The City Council of Los Alcázares through the non-profit association AMPROGOLF promote golf among schoolchildren of the municipality, in order to encourage their practice and promote "education in values", taking advantage of the great educational potential of this sport .
This objective will materialize through the "Golf Initiation Days for Schools" that AMPROGOLF launched last school year and in this, which will be its second edition, will bring together the schools of this municipality, allowing more than 255 Sixth grade students of primary education can know all the principles and values ​​that make up the essence of this sport, and contribute to their better education, growth and personal development, as well as enjoy some practical sessions at the Diego Torné Golf School in La Serena Golf.
The "Golf Initiation Days, organized for the schools of Los Alcázares, include almost 50 activities, including practical sessions, informative and informative, which represents a very complete and intense program, which will allow students to acquire the basic skills for the practice of golf, and above all understand and internalize the values ​​on which this sport is based, the goal of these Jordanians to instill values ​​such as respect, honesty, integrity, humility, spirit of overcoming, perseverance, companionship, etc., qualities that they will help them to be trained as integral people and even achieve a higher academic performance, since golf provides and strengthens the necessary attitudes to face with relative success guarantees any challenge that may arise.
The program of these days maintains the same structure with which it began its journey last school year, having added in this second edition a new informative session, previous to the practical classes that the children will receive in the golf school, with the intention of strengthen the pedagogical and educational part of this initiative, which is a regional pioneer, and with which the City of Los Alcázares offers students in their schools a unique opportunity to enjoy an extraordinary experience, which is expected to awaken their hobby for a sport so beneficial in terms of education and healthy living, in which friendship and friendship prevail, and for which this municipality offers unbeatable conditions and has the excellent facilities of La Serena Golf.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Los Alcázares