The day after receiving the priestly order, last Sunday, Joaquín Conesa celebrated his first mass in his hometown, Los Alcázares.
Keeping all the security measures, one of the sports centers of this municipality hosted this celebration - in the presence of the image of the patron saint of Los Alcázares, the Virgin of the Assumption - in which twenty priests concelebrated and in which they participated several seminarians, the family of the neo presbyter and a large part of the town of Los Alcázares, represented by its mayor and the municipal corporation.The parish of Our Lady of the Assumption actively participated in the celebration and also that of San Fulgencio de Cartagena, the place where Joaquín Conesa made his diaconate.Before concluding the celebration, Joaquín thanked God for his priestly vocation and the Blessed Virgin for accompanying his process.
Joaquín assures that she has felt "the maternal affection" of Mary during her vocation: "I noticed her presence the day I met the priest who helped me discern my vocation, Miguel Conesa, precisely on the day of the feast of Mary Queen of Hearts.
, patron saint of the seminary ”.
In thanksgiving, the neo-priest also had his family in mind and especially his mother, who died a few years ago.“The day of my ordination and that of my first mass have been the happiest of my life, my heart felt at last that fullness that I wanted to exercise the priestly ministry.
The experience of confession was also very exciting, my mother, the Lord forgives sins through this poor instrument, "says Joaquín Conesa, new priest of the Diocese of Cartagena, who will exercise his ministry as parochial vicar in Our Lady of the Assumption of Molina de Segura.
Source: Obispado de Cartagena