Portal de Los Alcazares


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The UPCT and Los Alcázares will collaborate in tourism promotion, urbanism and technological dissemination (07/02/2017)

The Rector of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), Alejandro Díaz, and the Vice-Rector of Enterprise and Innovation, Alejandro Pérez, continued today their rounds for the municipalities of the Region visiting the Mayor of Los Alcázares, Anastasio Bastida, with whom they have Agreed to increase collaboration in matters of tourism promotion, urbanism and technological dissemination.

The Polytechnic will make available to the 700 shops of the locality, the great majority directed to the tourism, the advice in marketing techniques of the researchers of the Faculty of Sciences of the Company.

The City Council, whose majority of technicians in Tourism graduated from the UPCT, has also been very supportive of continuing these studies in Cartagena.

The Consistory is also interested in having UPCT teachers to carry out mapping work.

The Polytechnic has also indicated the potential of joint work in the restoration of architectural heritage and urban regeneration offered to the municipality its School of Architecture and Building.

The Mayor has enthusiastically recalled the "very cool projects" of building a spa in Los Alcázares made last year in the framework of an Architecture course.

The UPCT will also offer the municipality the actions of its Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit to generate technological vocations, through workshops of its researchers and competition teams, talks to secondary students.

Likewise, the possibility of taking summer courses in the locality and of installing a point of information on the studies that are taught in the Polytechnic of Cartagena.

This course, UPCT has 42 students from Los Alcázares enrolled in degrees, master's and doctorate degrees.

During the meeting, the possibility of expanding the options of student practices in the Consistory, which carry out "a magnificent work", in the words of the mayor has been discussed.

Source: UPCT

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