"This exodus is a serious problem for our trade, our hospitality and the services sector, which the government team does not put a brake or solution on their laziness," says orange spokeswoman Esperanza Balsablobre
The Municipal group of Citizens will present tomorrow in the Plenary the proposal to "set up a study and monitoring table for the foreign population (Mesex) to address the causes that in just four years our municipality has lost half of its European residents "Explains the orange spokeswoman, Esperanza Balsalobre.
According to figures from the National Register of Statistics, Los Alcázares had 15,289 inhabitants on 1 January, 316 fewer than in 2015. "But what is truly worrying is that of 3,474 European citizens living in 2013 we have gone to 1,850, which Is supposed to have gone 1,624, about half, "says the orange spokesperson.
The aim of the Mesex would be to analyze the demographic evolution of the foreign population in Los Alcázares and to study the causes of the loss of residents, as well as creating and activating a Foreign Aid Office to study the needs of the foreign community and respond to their demands.
"We chained in 2016 the fourth year of demographic decline, moving away from the peak of 16,568 inhabitants achieved in 2013," says Orange spokeswoman, who considers key in this process "the loss of 1,279 inhabitants in four years is explained by the flight Of the foreign population, especially the European population, "says Balsalobre.
In the opinion of Citizens, this population fixed their residence bringing wealth to Los Alcázares, and has not met their expectations, without anyone bothering to ask them what they were and without assuming any political responsibility for it.
Balsalobre blames this to the "disdain of the PP government team in this matter and the absence of a project to get us out of the critical situation we are in. That this population has a direct impact on trade, Hospitality and services ".
Source: Ciudadanos Región de Murcia