IU-Greens Los Alcazares today denounced the "lack of consistency and ethics" of the council to conduct a meeting of Government whose cost was 3,100 euros when city coffers are going through a moment "of great economic difficulty."
The formation of the Left has assured the board held last August 1, lasted about ten minutes, did not address pressing issues and that she attended the mayor, who received about 600 euros for attending, and five members not released, received 500 euros each.
He noted that the session is in an economic situation "very complicated" and the mayor, Anastasio Bastida, has recognized the lack of liquidity, accumulating arrears, and difficulties to meet the payment of salaries of employees council.
"It is unacceptable that in this economic situation the government team does not control or apply a criterion of austerity," IU-Greens has indicated, after asking that "unless urgent government meetings be stayed, joining issues, ethics and social coherence. "
Source: IURM