Nearly 300 students from 1st and 3rd of Secondary Education "Menarguez Antonio Costa" Institute, received training on the proper use and the dangers of new technologies within the Police-Tutor Los Alcazares program.
The talks, a total of 12, are framed within the Police-Tutor program, which aims to inform students about the wise use of ICT, use safely, as well as explain the crimes that are committed through this environment, in which young people are placed as a vulnerable group.
Before the talks, the officer-tutor has happened anonymous questionnaire to detect if any student is a victim or engaged on another Bullyng or cyberbullying, (School bullying or cyberbullying).
In order that the students can contact directly with the police, has opened an email account so they can resolve questions, problems, concerns or other queries.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Los Alcázares