The police of Los Alcazares, during this past weekend's Day of the Region and in the framework of cooperation activities with the "SPECIAL CAMPAIGN ON CONTROL OF THE RATE OF ALCOHOL IN DRIVERS 'with the Provincial Traffic Authority of Murcia, has carried out 134 breath tests, of which 15 were positive and imputed to 4 drivers driving unlicensed driving and drive under the influence of alcohol.
Also during this weekend, various substances have been seized drugs as hashish and marijuana in the morning have been referred to the Area of Health of the Government Delegation in Murcia, for analysis and subsequent initiation of appropriate disciplinary proceedings.
One of the arrests was made to a driver of a vehicle within which was hidden three gateways that he had stolen from the beach of Las Palmeras Los Alcazares, valued, as the court expert in more than 700 €.
Local police officers in Los Alcazares, in the context of collaborative SPECIAL CAMPAIGN ON THE CONTROL OF THE RATE OF ALCOHOL IN DRIVERS "on working with the Provincial Traffic OF MURCIA, and after performing various controls Alcohol levels in various parts of town have made 134 breath tests, of which 15 have tested positive, one of them in a traffic accident in which his driver has tested positive.
In the same framework of collaboration, and the novelty of the implementation offense driving motor vehicles, have intervened on four occasions, imputing to 4 drivers that supposedly circulated without ever having obtained a driving license.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Los Alcázares